Aug. 22, 2021

Episode 55 - Jacqui Chew, Innovation Enthusiast, TEDx

Episode 55 - Jacqui Chew, Innovation Enthusiast, TEDx

My guest for the 55th episode of the ATL Career Journey podcast is Jacqui Chew, who is known as an innovation enthusiast and has been a successful presence in the Atlanta start up community.  She has more than two decades of experience delivering creative, data-driven strategies for venture-backed, high-growth companies.  Jacqui is also a TEDx Licensee, active mentor, and board member of several organizations.  Her career journey started in Singapore, landed in Hawaii for school and a start in the music business, then found her way to Atlanta and the growing technology industry.  Jacqui shared some keys to success, including being curious, remaining open to new experiences, and taking risks when you are young.  

You can learn more about Jacqui on LinkedIn.