May 2, 2021

Episode 42 - Nicole Siokis, Partner, Chief Operating Officer, TechCXO

Episode 42 - Nicole Siokis, Partner, Chief Operating Officer, TechCXO

Today's guest is Nicole Siokis, who is Partner and Chief Operating Officer at TechCXO.  I first met Nicole when we worked together at Sprint and she was one of our amazing military veterans that Sprint hired.  I remember her having such a great work ethic, very motivated, highly customer focused, and demonstrated servant leadership.  Her career progressed in telecom before pivoting to focus on executive recruiting.  She eventually became owner and operator of Mom Corps Atlanta before joining TechCXO in her current role.  Nicole shared some of her best practices for success that includes the importance of networking, leveraging her military leadership experience, and being open to acting on new ideas.

You can learn more about Nicole on LinkedIn.